Andrea Illy, A coffee dream

illyThere is a whole world in a cup of coffee: cultures that meet, the aroma and exoticism of marvellous places, history, art and travel. There are also science, expertise and a great deal of work and passion. Who could tell the story and the thousand secrets of coffee – one of the most renowned Italian products in the world – better than the man who has made excellence his professional and life mission? Andrea Illy, the visionary entrepreneur at the helm of illycaffè, shares with us the story of his family and company’s pursuit of the dream his grandfather Francesco had when he founded the brand: to offer the best coffee in the world. A coffee dream intertwines the points of view of the entrepreneur, the expert, the innovator and the man, as only rarely happens in books about the history of food. The book aims to give an extraordinary and positive message on what passion and the hard work
behind high quality products can bring in terms of beauty, pleasure, responsibility and innovation.

Andrea Illy is the Chairman and Managing Director of illycaffè, leading company for coffee quality and innovation. Under his management, the brand has achieved global recognition as an icon of Italian excellence. He is Honorary President of the Association for Science and Information on Coffee, Chairman of the Committee for the Promotion and Development of the Coffee Market of the International Coffee Organization and Chairman of Fondazione Altagamma, which brings together the companies that are the ambassadors in the world of Italian lifestyle.

Illustrated book, full color
Subject: food, history, art
Pages: 224
Original title: Il sogno del caffè (2015)

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